Your spine is made up of small bones, called vertebrae, which are stacked on top of one another and create the natural curves of your back.These are the building blocks of the spinal column.

The vertebrae protect and support the spinal cord. They also bear the majority of the weight put upon your spine.

The body of each vertebra is the large, round portion of bone and each vertebra is attached to a bony ring. When the vertebrae are stacked one on top of the other, this ring creates a hollow tube where the spinal cord passes through.

The bony ring attached to the Vertebral Body consists of several parts:

  • First, the Laminae extend from the body to cover the spinal canal, which is the hole in the center of the vertebrae.
  • Second, the Spinous process is the bony portion opposite the body of the vertebra. You feel this part if you run your hand down a person's back.
  • Then there are two Transverse processes (little bony bumps), where the back muscles attach to the vertebrae.
  • Finally, the Pedicle is a bony projection that connects to both sides of the Lamina.

The Vertebra, like all bones, has an outer shell called Cortical bone that is hard and strong. The inside is made of a soft, spongy type of bone that is called Cancellous bone.