

Pyeloplasty is a procedure performed to correct a blockage which has occurred between the Kidney and Ureter- the Ureter is the tube which drains the Kidney into the Bladder. By removing the blockage, urine can freely drain from the body, as nature intended.

A catheter (small tube) will be inserted through the urethra into the bladder during surgery to drain the urine. It is normal for the color of the urine to be red or pink with a few blood clots. The urine’s color will gradually become clear yellow. The catheter is easily removed at the bedside the day after surgery.

You may also need another tube, called a stent, placed through the ureter into the kidney to help to drain the urine while the kidney is healing. The stent is removed in the operating room a few weeks after surgery.

A drain may be inserted in the area around the kidney and ureter to drain extra fluid that can collect during and after surgery. Once the drainage stops the drain is removed at the bedside. This will usually occur 1-2 days after surgery.

This surgery takes approximately one hour in the operating room and requires one night hospitalization after surgery.